In addition to installing the Glances browser extension, you can install Glances directly to SugarCRM as a dashlet. This dashlet will allow you to search for records when you're on an account, contact, or a lead. Additionally, it can be added to SugarCRM's home dashboard.
- Add Glances as a trusted domain. Here's how:
- From within SugarCRM, navigate to the Admin page.
- Under System, click Content Security Policy.
- Within Trusted Domains, add https://*
- Click Save.
- Add a web page dashlet with as the URL. Here's how:
- From within a record (such as a contact, target, lead, or account) click the blue circle in the bottom right of the page.
- Select Add Dashlet.
- Click Web Page which appears at the bottom of the list.
- Title the dashlet to Glances and add as the URL.
- Click Save.