We're constantly updating Glances to incorporate new features and enhance performance as well as fix bugs and maintain the latest security. The widget is kept up to date with these latest features automatically through the browser extension. Whether you're using Chrome, Firefox, or something else, the updates we make to Glances to improve your experience will be applied once they are released to your preferred browser's store.
Since each browser is managed differently and have different processes for release, the date of the release for your browser may differ. If there is a new feature that isn't appearing for you, it may be that the browser you're using hasn't yet released our updates to their store. You can check the Glances version history for your browser for more information or reach out to us at support@glances.com with any questions.
Force Update of Glances in Chrome
If Chrome doesn't automatically update your browser extensions, you can force an update, if needed. To do this:
- From within Google Chrome, click on the Extensions icon.
- Click Manage Extensions.
- Toggle Developer mode on (in the top right corner).
- Click Update.