If your account is associated with a company, you will be assigned one of the following roles. (Owners and Admins determine the roles when an invitation is sent and can adjust the roles later, if needed.)
This role is the original creator of the company account. There can only be one owner within each company. The owner has full access to billing as well as all the privileges of the admin.
This role enables you to add connected apps as well as create and manage visible glances. They can also complete team account administration activities: access certain billing functions (like changing or cancelling your team plan) and send team invitations. The admin has all the privileges of the member.
This role enables you to view glances from connected apps and add your own private connections. Member accounts will have access to Actions so they can complete tasks across apps.
View Only (No Actions)
This role enables you to view existing Glances. From glances.com you can update your name and email. With View Only you can use the browser extension, desktop app, and workplace apps (such as monday.com and Slack). View Only accounts will not be able to complete Actions.