Actions are a unique Glances feature that allow you to complete tasks across apps directly from the Glances widget. With pre-filled forms and field mappings, however, we make that process even easier. With this feature, data from the page you're viewing can populate fields for an Action, limiting the manual data entry you need to do.
Here is an example of how it works:
As a project manager working in, you want to create a customer. With Actions, you can do this by clicking the Actions menu and selecting Customer.
However, with our pre-filled forms feature, we can map fields from to populate the fields within the Create Customer Action to reduce the time you need to complete data entry steps. This feature will pull the data on the item and apply them to the appropriate fields within the Actions task.
This feature is available for certain apps, such as, Zendesk, SugarCRM, and more. If you'd like to reduce the strain of manual data entry, please reach out at to chat with a member of our team about applying the correct mappings to your apps and Actions.